I had mixed feelings, when I heard the news on my phone. The world kind of stopped for a few seconds. Every sort of scenarios came into my mind. If you never been there, you wont know the feeling.
People tell me I should have seek medical attention sooner. Well I did, but doctors brushed it off as me being over exaggerating my condition. Well, now I am in pain and I am out of painkillers and I am one cranky person.
For once in my life, I have to learn to prioritise myself. I don't have time to entertain or please anyone else because at the end of the day, its just me. I need motivators, positive thinkers, honestly caring people, people who would cheer me up. I don't need self centred people, who would only stay if things were good but leaves the moment it turns bad. Now I get to see the real person behind all of them....
Yo bro,
Sorry to hear of the condition man. Hang in there k?
Mr Khamarul Ariffin Zainal,
Read ur post, and this is my two cents worth..
You are a committed member of JPA3
You have saved lives
You have made families be able to give their loved ones due respect
You can silat (what silat remains a secret)
You have two lovely boys who adore you
You have students who look up to you and trust u with their life
Bottom line..
You have a life
So having a bad back is just another drawback
another obstacle
another delay
You've overcome them a gazillion times
So what's just this one thing to you??
If there need be physio, just do it
If there need be surgery, then proceed
Whatever it is, my dear KAZ..
You will prevail
And you will rise to the challenge
You always do
U're in my doa, and i firmly believe..
Good people deserve good things..
Bro... I said spine surgeon la... NOT neuro surgeon..
We ortho surgeons are Anti neuro surgeons.
Anyway, you shouldn't blame ppl when they think you are exagerating... you have a tendency (before this) to do that..
Anyway, think of what I said before this. Only ppl who wallow in self pity thinks of themselves as being disabled. Other ppl count their blessing and start thinking on how to make their LIFE work.
Be optimistic ok baby.You are better than that!
"Life is not fair; get used to it" - Bill Gates
my dear fren,
i cant understand wat the MRI results means. 'not suppose to be there'? where iszit suppose to be then? anyway, wats obvious is, u have bontot tonggek. hhahahahha..... cranky chief but cute ass... cheer up!
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