Understandably I was nervous. Why? I am not sure really. I think it may be because I dont know whether my 'taste' appeals to the bride & groom. After all, photography is a form of art and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Well I guess the groom's family had seen my work (my 2nd 'unofficial' job was during the eldest sister's wedding) or maybe they were just doing me a favor.
I couldnt sleep that night. At 2am I was still busy cleaning lenses and charging batteries. Just like a small kid with his 'new' toy. At last, I managed to put in about 3 hours of sleep. Borrowing Catz's favourite expression..."crazy"...haha.
I would like to share with you this unique wedding reception on the groom's side. Why unique? It was a BBQ reception, with stalls serving BBQ stuff, beriyani, char kueh teow, sotong kangkung, tauhu bakar, ice kacang etc etc.
To the bride and groom, I wish them "Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu. Amin"
Why are u posting only the pic of the foods? Where are the people? hehe
Anyway, cute couple.. they look extremely happy.
ntah brape jam la si ijan kene posing :p
Catz: well...food is an interesting subject for me
Floweryskies: posing "on the go". ni bukan nudibranch...haha
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