Kalo yang ini kalau di aquarium memperlihatkan kesombongan dan keangkuhan kerana tau tubuhnya indah, langkahnya lemah gemalai dan memancing mata.. nakal melihatnya di manapun dia bergaya.....
So pasti harganya mahal kalau ingin memilikinya....
Hahaha...the above is a description...if a girl is a fish, what type of fish would she be. There were quite a few, but I just chose this one, Arowana. Having reared one a few years back, I am a bit qualified to comment...let's look at this fish...
This fish is a beauty and true as mentioned, very arrogant. This is one fish that wouldn't bow its head even to look for food at the bottom of the aquarium. Instead it chose to keep its nose high and at the same time strain its eyes as hard as it could to look for food at the bottom. Which is why this fish is also prone to having either one or both eyes popping out from its socket. All in the name of arrogance of its beauty. Wow. After this happens, then the beauty that it is so proud of is no longer there.
Pity the fish because it doesn't realized that the attention it is attracting is superficial. People look not out of sincerity, but just the lust for its beauty. After they are done, they'll leave and at the end of the day, the arrogant Arowana leads a lonely depressing life as a loner. Ironically, the Arowana, crazy about getting all the attention, feels contented, and blinded by arrogance and ignorance, continue to worship these people and wait for the next time when they come to ogle at her again.
I used to look at mine, admiring it as well as feeling pity. It was so arrogant, but demand your attention. Try ignoring it, and soon it'll be trashing about in its aquarium, complaining. It was my companion during the trying times of my divorce. Earlier on, I tried introducing another Arowana to keep it company as its soul mate, but it was too arrogant and continuously harassed the other fish until it died. That fish was the only one who would genuinely feel for it, from one Arowana to another, but no, my Arowana chose the superficial humans instead.
I take pity on the beautiful Arowana, as because of its arrogance and ignorance, it leads a very lonely life in the aquarium, pacing to and fro while waiting for people to come and ogle at her beauty.
Is that a real pic of your fish or what? :0
nope...for illustration purposes only
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