Its always a pleasure to teach...I didn't know I had that interest until I became a
PADI scuba instructor. There is a fine line between 'teaching' and 'nagging' though....teaching is the objective, and nagging is a method perhaps?
Haha. But no matter how you conduct the course, fun is a compulsory by-product and safety is the rule of the day.
I am known as one who follow the book, no shortcuts...and I have lost a few potential students because of this. Never mind if they don't value their lives, but I DO. This is worst if they want to be certified
Divemasters...they'll be looking after other people's lives. Cant have that on my conscience.
Recently, I had the pleasure to teach my two friends who were taking the
EFR (Emergency First Responder) and Rescue Diver certification. One of them had a true life experience of witnessing a diver running out of air at 22m during a sunset dive. Both of them are avid divers and based on their natural
instinct of
helping out others, they decided to pay me to 'torture' them...
haha. What a great job I have. So I would like to share with you some of their 'action' photos....
During EFR Training

During Rescue Diver Training
(photos courtesy of Ryzah)

Mind over matter....pushing the limits

Gently does it

Rescue Breathing

Chest Compressions

Recovery Position


night...The one in the orange
tshirt is my Advance Open Water student,
Swee Lian.
Don't let the small size fool you, she has the courage of a warrior. Congrats to her too for achieving the
AOWD certification level and for conquering her fears of the deep.

Congratulations to the both of them for taking the time and money to learn new skills on how to save someone
else's live. They have earned their right to be called Rescue Divers. The next time you hear someone utter this phrase...Diver, diver are you
OK?, then you know that he or she belongs to this special group of people.
Hmmm.. take care of your health dear..
Wokay will do
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