Today I went to see the specialist. She was concerned with the numbness in my leg and also the fact that the pain killer (200 mg of the strong stuff) has no effect what so ever on me. So, in 2 weeks time, I have to do an MRI. The radiographer said it would take 1 hour to finish. Sishh what am I supposed to do in there? Oh ya, I also get a higher dose of that pain killer (morphine like effect)...about 500mg. Yippeee
What is an MRI?
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hey.... stop dramatising laaaa... I gave you a muscle relaxant laaaa.... hmmmmm.....
MRI in 2 weeks...so fast??? Cehh that means I have to see you in a months' time.... so soon laaa
And remember, come early;)
Really? No wonder I didn't get 'high'. Shucks. Anyway tq for your help. Appreciate it.
Try acupunture, KAZ..my brother is doing it now, and he says he's feeling much better!
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