What is it with first love? Experts seems to agree that no matter how far or how many relationships has passed in one's life, the first love is still lingering at the back of one's mind. Maybe coz of the many first that comes with it...first touch, first 'stolen' kiss, first holding hands etc etc. Ask anyone whom their 3rd or 4th bf/gf, and most probably they have to think real hard to remember the correct sequence, but ask whom is their 1st love and faster than the blink of an eye, comes the answer...haha.
The first love is also normally the 'restricted' relationship, being in school and being too young to get married. Thus, most of the time, they parted ways at the height of their romance...due to circumstances, rather than loathing each other. That is why, when they reach adulthood, they seek each other out. Some when on to have relationships with numerous people, even marriage. When their marriage fails, they will secretly think of their first love, as he or she was the most 'romantic 'reference point' in their mind. (Of course la, at such an adolescent age without a care in the world and without responsibilities...even Upin & Ipin looks romantically adorable..haha).
I have seen the stupidity of people not realising that adulthood changes a person's soul. Everyone changes...job pressure, life experiences, satanic triumph in bringing out the devil in one's soul, etc etc can change a person 360 degrees the other way...like Arnikan in Star Wars...crossing over to the dark side. Its sad to see relationship/marriage break ups simply coz people gets stuck in the romantic fantasy of "living happily ever after"phase in the earlier chapters of their life on earth.
Too much Hindustani movie watching maybe?...ACHA
Hmmm... you are definitely in love now.
I used to remember when this blog used to be a lot more 'serious' in terms of content and also its owner and this post is a real change.
Finally we can see inside the man.
Great post (yes, you can write!). May all of us remember to let bygones be bygones and cherish what we have in front of us and the people around us.
Selamat Hari Raya
who is ur first love then?
bakawali: haha does it really shows? selamat hari raya to u & hubby as well.
farah: rahsia...
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