Towards the last 2 months, the trainees were sent to all 12 outlets to learn the working environment hands on. I was then seconded to Retails Operations as caretaker for 6 outlets, thus these trainees were the ones from the other group. I haven't seen them for almost 2 months.
Finally, a few days ago, I was in the area so I decided to pop by 2 of the outlets. It was a 'mini reunion' thingy, and what's a reunion without a feast right? Thus, an impromptu decision was made, and I had invited all my trainees from 2 outlets, namely Equine Park and Puncak Jalil, to join me for dinner at KFC after closing time.
After a few rounds of story telling and jokes, looking around, it reminded me of my 'personal mission' working here in this company, that is to nurture and guide this group of young people to realize their true potential, to become someone with a burning desire to succeed, of which complacency is not and will not be in their vocabulary.
I had always believed in Karma...and today is the day that the teacher gets reminded by his pupils.....of why he is here on this earth. May God bless every single one of them
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