My latest experience with Proton Edar Service Centre really pisses me off, and puts to shame the higher powers of Proton Edar...and mind you not just any Service Centre...its Proton Edar's flagship Mutiara Service Centre. I had chosen that Service Centre for 2 reasons, 1) its Proton Edar's flagship centre, so I assumed their service level is at their best level 2) coz its nearest to my office.
I had on 8th March 2010 sent my car, a Persona SE, for major service there and was given a 'Workshop Parts Order Requisition' form for the following items:
1) Brake Pad - 1 pair
2) Brake Disc - 1 pair
3) Absorber - 1 pair
I share with you my emails to Proton Edar that would explain the predicament I am going through.....
LETTER 1 - To Customer Retention Division
May 03, 2010 11:40 AM
I am writing to you to lodge a complain about the Mutiara Damansara Service Centre. I had on 8th March 2010 sent my car, a Persona SE, Registration Number Wxx xxx, for major service there and was given a 'Workshop Parts Order Requisition' form (number 12xxxx) for the following items:
1) Brake Pad - 1 pair
2) Brake Disc - 1 pair
3) Absorber - 1 pair
I had for the last 2 weeks tried to enquire the status of those parts but without any success. Its either I get through to the reception/help desk who then passes me to the relevant department but NO ONE answers OR lately I cant even get through the reception/help desk at all as no one seems to be picking up the phone. The number I called is the one stated on the invoice 03-77223221.
I had the same problem on my previous warranty claim for an orifice that was out of stock. After 1 month plus of waiting I called them and asked why no one has called me. They said there's no stock. But the next day, someone calls me up to say otherwise.
If the parts are not related to the safety of my car and its occupants, I would not have made a fuss, but these parts are related to the brake and absorber system that affects the stability and safety. Its almost 2 months, and I cant believe that these parts aren't available yet.
...etc etc etc
LETTER 2 - From Customer Retention To Total Quality
Mon, May 3, 2010 12:13 pm
Dear Mr. Sxxxxxxx,
Please kindly be advised that we have received a customer complaint as regard after sales service support from Mutiara Damansara Service Branch. We are concerned on the feed backs as reported and would seek your immediate attention to matter.
May 24, 2010 11:35 pm
After all these (please read the following emails I had forwarded to you), NO ONE from Proton Edar contacted me to solve my problem. I tried calling Mutiara a few times, but still facing the same problem.
So if your people at Customer Retention, at Quality Dept didn't do anything to help me, what more those guys at the Service Centre? WHO DO I HAVE TO CALL to get this done? Your CEO? Then please do me a favour and FORWARD MY EMAIL TO HIM.

I spend lots of money to send my car for routine maintenance at authorised Proton Edar Service Centre just to ensure the warranty is not affected. Everyone knows how ridiculously high the charges are at these centres. After all that, Proton Edar can't even find me a pair of absorbers, brake discs and brake pads? Heck, I could get those at the corner auto spare parts shop.
Proton Edar, of all people, should be sensitive to the safety of its customers as well as their families. This is typical Malaysia attitude, the lives of the common people means nothing to these big corporations. Its the same as what I had blogged before, why export models have a higher safety fittings and workmanship than local models? You guys are too focused on sales figures, that you overlook on the importance of after sales service.
Listen here you morons...people only go to your service centres because you would void their warranties otherwise. But what's the point of sending if you DO NOT HONOUR your warranty? MONTHS just to get the basic parts? Even a small kid would know that having a functional brake and absorber system is the core of a vehicle's stability and safety.
As a former Head of Quality Assurance & Management for a large Telecommunication corporation, this is no way acceptable by any one's standard. Its a wonder why major NCRs not issued out during your quality audits coz there is evidence to show that customer complains do not get attended to by anyone.
Wake up Proton Edar!!!!
How true. There are plenty of bad things that can be said about Proton, and I'm sure if you open a facebook group for 1 million people who hates proton you will get it filled in no time.
Problem is, they are a big corp, and under immunity. They don't care about QC, customer services etc. Maybe you can highlight your plight in the media, that normally gets some attention.
or you can forward your complaint to a Mr RockyBru =P
just like I did ;)
yang penting kena complain to media, cepat gila response nanti.
Ardy: Sad ain't it. That's why they can't compete in the international market.
Shawn: Maybe I will. Next service malas la nak hntr kat Proton Edar Service Centre. No point
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