That Saturday afternoon, after work, we pushed off from Kuala Lumpur. It was a perfect day, the sun was shining, the skies are blue. At some point, there were not even clouds in the sky. I just had to take pictures of the sky or else very few people would believe me. It kind of reminds me of the clear blue sky over Komodo Island where I went diving.
This time I didn't bring my 'anak gajah', my lovable 4WD. Reason...lari budget haha...well the amount I had budgeted for insurance (to renew my roadtax) was RM500 less than the actual amount. It seems there is now a new policy that cars more than 20 years of age must be insured comprehensively and valued at RM10,000. Hmmm wonder how all the pakciks and atuks with old cars in the kampungs gonna afford this?
So I hitched a ride with my good friend Zeq in his trusty Pajero....
I had met Zeq way back in 199x, on a scuba diving Live-A-Board trip on MV Grace. Since then, we had our fair share of adventures. Back then, we were very spontaneous...I remembered one time we met up for teh tarik in Bangsar at 10pm, chatted about diving and wallah...on the spot made a decision to go diving in Perhentian, went back to pick up our dive gears and in 1 hour we were driving to Kuala Besut, heading for Perhentian Island.
Anyway, he brought along his trusty Pajero, to test its capability off road.
Another friend in the group is Muzlisham @ he got that nickname is anyone's guess (hint!hint!). He is an avid 4WD enthusiast, and even brings his son....Muis....whom like his dad....

...likes to pose for the camera.... here......

...and here
Just to spice things up, we went through a few scenarios which involves snapping and winching....

Somewhere during the scenarios, the reality was so 'real' that we had to get the assistance of a dude in a White Pajero with a brand new winch. How we knew its new? We had to fix the control box for him...haha
Last but not least, I gave Zeq my version of setting up a camp bed, as illustrated below...

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