My best friend...or buddy...Dr Lynn Azura...got married today. The nikah ceremony was at 10am followed by the wedding reception at 12noon. The decorations were nice, the food was great and everyone whom attended had a good time. There were a mixture of scuba divers and basketballers too.
Where was I amidst all these? I had to 'cover' the event as a wedding photographer..officially. Our friend who was the 'real' photographer, had to leave after the nikah ceremony. So I took over. I was nervous as I didn't want to let my buddy down. After all its not everyday that one gets married. So I was behind the lens until later that evening.
The groom, Ardi, was also a good friend. We became friends when he took up his open water (scuba) certification with me. In fact my buddy was also my student. So two of my students getting married...there's no way I am gonna miss that. Being true scuba fanatics, they are going for their honeymoon scuba diving in Boracay, Phillipines.
Just want to wish them "Selamat Pengantin Baru. Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu"
Thank you for being there. I was a bit bossy at times to my 'bidan terjun' photographer. Sori ye!
Anyway, overall it was a success... I am now Mrs A...hehehe....
Again thank you!
Miss B now became Mrs A...naik pangkat tuh! hehe..
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